Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jude 7

In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

I know that Hell is not a pleasant topic. Even when I witness to someone, I don't spend too much time on this subject. While I doubt that will change, I want it to serve as a motivation for me to witness... but out of love, that I truly do not want anyone to perish. I want to have God's heart as expressed in 2 Peter 3:9.

So, what is hell like? To be honest, I'm not sure I can grasp a full picture of it, but I can only contrast what I know of Heaven. If Heaven is with the very presence of God, then Hell can only be totally without Him. If God is good (righteous and perfect), then Hell must be without any goodness at all. Sin has totally taken over. If God is love, then Hell has no love. If God is light and offers eternal life, then Hell is dark, without light, and is eternal death. If there is no sickness or pain in Heaven, then Hell is only sickness, only pain. If Heaven is the place where you have a home and are with family, then Hell is a lonely place, without friends or family.

Hell has no goodness and sin has taken over. Hell has no love and is lonely. Hell is dark and there is only sickness, pain, and death. Hell is without God... forever.

I am sure that there is so much more to both Heaven, in all its goodness, and Hell, in how awful it is, but I only pray that God will place a love for others in me that I will truly want them to experience abundant life now and in the future to experience eternal life, and that I will love them so much that I will not want them to experience eternal fire.

How much we can love God, and yet fear His right judgment at the same time.

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