Monday, September 3, 2007

It's pure and simple logic

So, I realized how often my generation loves to write something or read something or even listen to something to sound intelligent, wise, or deep. I guess I prove it in a way, just by typing this. :) Oh well.
I recently taught a lesson not too long ago, and have been reminded of it, that no matter what your age, just b/c you're a human, we look to our peers and even people we don't know to find our sense of value. Granted, this isn't my idea. I stole it from the guy who wrote Blue Like Jazz. But it makes sense, after all, we get upset when we get cut off in traffic b/c we feel like we've been disrespected. From the time we're babies we start to do stuff to gain applause.
The answer to this is to find our identity in Christ, which even Christians lack. Knowing who God says we are answers a lot and then we don't have to go looking for it in the eyes of a friend. Hmmm.... so, have I mastered this yet? Yeah, right. I'm a twenty-something female with a blog. I definately want the applause of others. :P But, that's why this is all a journey.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

College Church-plant

Sometimes, God asks us to do scary things... like talk to that person over there. Yeah, the one with the tattoos, cigarette hanging from her mouth, and hair about valentine-day pink. Then He asks you to do other things, like trust Him. Oh yeah, our God asks big things out of us.

But, It's Worth It.

For a while now, I have felt that God was laying it on my heart to plant a college-church and slowly that vision is making its way into reality, and I'm so excited. It's great to see God reveal a little bit more of what will soon take place as you do your quiet time. It's great to cast the vision and see someone else grab on. It's great to know that God is honoring, of all people, you. It's great to know that He wants to honor even more people. What a Mighty God we serve. Though our mountains be as mountains to us, yet we remember, that He is the one that causes the mountains to quake and send up smoke.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

It's a Bit of a Mystery to Me...

So, I'm going on a mission trip. The first questions are usually when, where, and for how long. To answer the first question, I'm on it right now! (More details of that to come...) The second question is where. Well, I don't know yet. We're leaving tomorrow morning and since it's a "mystery" trip, we won't know until we load up to leave. To answer the third question, how long, well, until next Sunday.
So yeah, now it's a mystery to you to... and that's okay. Just please, pray for Tylie, our mission trip leader. I think she's a bit stressed.... and she does know where we're going... at least I hope so! ;)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

First Post

Yeah, so this blog is mainly just to keep in touch with people. Things are going good. Getting ready to student teach! Just had an interview with NAMB for US/C2. Things looked good and I'll find out definately early March. It's 11:39 p.m. and ya know, I'm kind of tired, so although this is a short post, it's time for bed.