Friday, December 19, 2008


Casting Crowns has a song called something like (or it may be entirely different)"Plastic People". I didn't think I was plastic, but I've realized lately that it's so difficult for me to be honest about my hurts, faults, and especially my failures. If I'm honest with my failures, will people condemn me? Will they throw stones or see that they too fail? So, despite those un-answered questions that because a new question with each person, I'm trying. So, *big breath* here goes:
*I don't have a handle on this church-planting thing. Sometimes, I just want to take a break from it all and have everything solved when I get back.
*I doubt myself a lot. I don't know if it will all work out.
*I am learning though that God can work through anyone... even me.
*I'm excited and scared at the same time by that fact. What if I miss something vital and hinder the process?

So, that's the beginning of honesty. Now, it's moving it from a blog post to talking about it all with the people that I need to give me their support through this as I realize how weak I really am, but how strong God is.