Monday, September 3, 2007

It's pure and simple logic

So, I realized how often my generation loves to write something or read something or even listen to something to sound intelligent, wise, or deep. I guess I prove it in a way, just by typing this. :) Oh well.
I recently taught a lesson not too long ago, and have been reminded of it, that no matter what your age, just b/c you're a human, we look to our peers and even people we don't know to find our sense of value. Granted, this isn't my idea. I stole it from the guy who wrote Blue Like Jazz. But it makes sense, after all, we get upset when we get cut off in traffic b/c we feel like we've been disrespected. From the time we're babies we start to do stuff to gain applause.
The answer to this is to find our identity in Christ, which even Christians lack. Knowing who God says we are answers a lot and then we don't have to go looking for it in the eyes of a friend. Hmmm.... so, have I mastered this yet? Yeah, right. I'm a twenty-something female with a blog. I definately want the applause of others. :P But, that's why this is all a journey.


Unknown said...

"applauds" Anyway ^_^ I completely agree with you, and having read a few on Donald Miller's books, know what you are talking about as well. I certainly do a lot of stuff to gain applause, but there is usually at least a hint of genuineness in all that I write.

noelle said...

Yeah, I understand that. It's tough to be genuine, I think, unless you are completely broken.